BION-X Spirit
The device is a transceiver of an ultra-wideband (UWB) electromagnetic field of low intensity, with adequate characteristics for the occurrence of stochastic resonance (SR) in the object of exposure.
Unlike the previous version of BionX, the Spirit model has been supplemented with new modes of operation using the Biofeedback method.

With the purchase of BION-X SPIRIT we give you 1000 free VOIZER activations.
To use the BION-X SPIRIT device, you need to purchase the Spirit Logger digital licensed software.
The BION-X Spirit device is a receiver-transmitter of an ultra-wideband (UWB) electromagnetic field of low intensity, with adequate characteristics for the occurrence of stochastic resonance (SR) in the object of exposure. It is proved that it is in the SR mode that the most qualitative perception of the information signal by living systems is carried out against the background of external and internal noise. Unlike the previous version of the BION- X, the Spirit model is supplemented with new modes of operation. Additional modes use the Biofeedback Method (Biofeedback). At the same time, balance is maintained between the hemispheres of the brain, as well as the nervous and immune systems. It influences physical, emotional, intellectual and social processes, ensuring optimal use of all the user’s capabilities. In the process of using the device in biofeedback modes, physiological and biochemical reactions develop, the opposite of those that occur under stress. The essence of the BOS method implemented in BION-X Spirit is to «return» to the user the current values of his physiological parameters, in the form of a Stochastic modulated UWB signal.
1. «List of programs»
The parameters of the radiated field are set using a microprocessor depending on the selected program (15 programs calculated on the basis of brain rhythms). Thanks to the use of a UWB signal with noise-like (stochastic) modulation, high synchronization efficiency and correction of the body’s natural radiations are achieved.
2. «E.M. FB»
(electromagnetic feedback). Biofeedback Mode (Biofeedback). The signal emitted by the device, reflected from the body, acquires a complex modulated character. So, the reflected signal will carry information about the neural activity of the brain, and various physiological processes occurring in the body. The reflected signal, once in the receiving path of the device, is demodulated (physiological rhythms are installed). And then the radiation signal of the device is stochastically modulated by these rhythms. Thus, the BOS chain is closed. As a result of the feedback effect, the mechanism of chemotaxis is activated, and the direction of biochemical processes changes in the direction of normalization of the cell.
3. «Audio F.B.»
(Audio Feedback). Biofeedback Mode (Biofeedback). The user’s voice is used as a measured physiological parameter. Everything is interconnected in the body, and the parameters of the voice depend on the state of the nervous system, which organizes the work of all organs into a single, holistic process, which is a complex psychophysical act. The parameters (the ratio of intensities, frequencies and phases of various spectral components) of the voice signal reflect the state of all functional systems of the body. Special modulation of the electromagnetic field emitted by the device by the user’s own voice leads to Stochastic Resonance (SR) in the body. At the same time, various parameters of the EEG of the brain are modified, thus the indicators of the autonomic nervous system (VNS) are changed. A new functional system emerges — the symbiosis of «man-device».
Additional information
Weight | 100 g |
Dimensions | 68 × 38 × 17 mm |
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being. If these 3 statements are valid about you, then you do not need Bion-X.
On the other hand
- If you have been visiting doctors and taking medications for many years, but you feel well no changes;
- If you feel constant weakness and fatigue;
- If you notice a deterioration in memory and intellectual functions;
- If you notice a decrease in physical performance;
- If you feel changes in meteorological conditions with your whole body;
- If you constantly feel a sense of anxiety;
- If you want to reveal and use all the hidden potential of your body (including psychic);
Then Bion-X has been created for you.
Bion-X enhances the functions and systems of the body (nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, excretory, endocrine, musculoskeletal, lymphatic, immune).
Improves the performance of organs, prevents premature age-related changes, maintains natural balance.
Provides infectious safety, thanks to the antiparasitic and cleaning function.
Promotes elimination waste and toxic substances.
You can use the Bion-X device at a distance of up to 5 meters. It all depends on the level electromagnetic background. If you are in an urban setting where there are Wi-Fi modems, mobile phones, mobile base stations, etc., then it is desirable position the device at a distance of up to 1 meter. If you are in nature away from the city, then this size can be increased up to 5 meters. Position the device in the area behind your head.
Yes. You can use the device in daily life while working, studying or eating. However, you need to be mindful about which program to run.
For example, do not use the program “Sleep” when you do not need it. Or do not use the energy program while going to bed or sleeping.
The device is essentially a generator of an electromagnetic field that affects the cellular metabolism, brain activity and water matrix of the body.
Depending on the chosen Programs activate metabolic processes in certain cellular structures.
Synchronization process of activating cellular metabolism with brain rhythms destroys the brain foci of generation of pathologically enhanced excitement that cause anxiety diseases (except for poisoning and injuries).
The device simultaneously helps as many people as can fit in the proximity zone of the back of the device (no more than 3 people).
In some cases, there is a side effect: users can dream of each other.
The device is contraindicated for persons with a pacemaker installed.
Do not use the device under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Everything is individual. It can be several days or several months. It all depends on the depth of the pathological process, its length in time.
But there is one thing in common regularity. The beginning of the healing phase will be concluded with vivid, unusual dreams. Some people are so shocked and frightened by the reality of dreams that restrict the use of the device. At the midpoint of the healing phase, for some time (from several minutes to several days), exacerbations will be observed as symptoms of the underlying disease – an epicrisis. Drink a lot on these days. structured water and use the programs “Energy” and “Schuman”, alternating them during of the day.
As you know, water molecules are electric dipoles and they form among themselves clusters through hydrogen bonds. A feature of clusters is their ability to influence the course of biological and other natural processes.
Such water improves the absorption of nutrients, removes metabolic waste and improves cell communication. Electromagnetic radiation generated by Bion-X promotes clustering of water and such water is called structured water.
To obtain structured water, it is enough to pour water into non-metallic thin-walled cookware (e.g. in a plastic cup) and start the “Shuman” program (or any other) by placing the device at the back side of the dish for 12 minutes.
Keeping it longer is not recommended, as further saturation leads to the destruction of the useful properties of the water. Further, if we continue to irradiate water, then the next peak water activity will be reached after 110 minutes. Structured water retains its properties up to one day. Then reactivation is required.