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The voice is a unique phenomenon. Its sound is a joint work of the voice apparatus and the brain. As the eyes are a mirror of the soul, so the voice is a reflection of health. Voice is designed for express diagnostics of the state of the main energy meridians of the body, through voice analysis.

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What does your voice say

The voice is a unique phenomenon. Its sound is a joint work of the voice apparatus and the brain. Sounds born at the level of the vocal folds spread through the air-bearing cavities and Tissues. There they undergo acoustic changes, as a result of which the voice acquires Fullness and volume. He gets his strength from breathing. Each voice is unique: it has A special pitch, strength, color, timbre and tone range. These characteristics are formed as a result of the resonance of sound waves with the body: bones, skin, mucous membranes and Internal organs. No wonder the larynx is compared to a musical instrument – for example, A violin. The sound of a violin also depends on its shape, internal structure and The material from which it is made. As the eyes are a mirror of the soul, so the voice is a reflection of health. By the way a person speaks, you can determine what diseases he has in his anamnesis.

So, the voice is closely related to our physical condition, appearance, emotions and inner world. The voice is the alchemy of the spirit and the body, and the scars we have earned over the entire life. You can learn about them by the melody of speech. Therefore, the voice is not only a reflection of our personality, but also a chronicle of its development.

This fact has found a worthy application in the software product Voizer.

Voizer is designed for express diagnostics of the state of the main energy meridians of the user’s body by analyzing his voice.

Voice markers are specific parameters of a person’s voice. After “extraction” they can be analyzed, revealing certain health problems of the person whose voice studied. Machine learning algorithms make it possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of this method of determining diseases.

It has long been known that changes in a number of parameters of a person’s voice are an indicator of health problems.

In some cases, these signs are so obvious that a specialist can easily detect and recognize them. In others, it is extremely difficult, if at all possible, to do this without the help of technology. But voice markers and artificial intelligence can change this situation.

As for the very concept of “marker”, the US National Institute of Health (NIH) defines it as “a characteristic that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological processes. Or pathogenic processes or pharmacological reactions to therapeutic intervention.” For example, certain blood markers are an indicator of multiple sclerosis. It’s the same with voice markers – it’s the same indicator of a number of diseases

Multi-stage analysis process

The main parameters of the voice that are important for the analysis of “voice markers” are – frequency, amplitude and ratio of overtone parameters. All these parameters can be associated with various indicators of the state of the human body. And just as artificial intelligence can make a diagnosis by interpreting medical images, machine learning algorithms are able to identify and classify deviations during the interpretation of voice markers. This method allows you to quickly make a preliminary diagnosis, which is subsequently clarified by the doctor. The advantage of the technique is also that it it allows you to speed up the diagnostic process, and its cost is minimal.

As a result of the analysis, you get the distribution of energy along 12 energy meridians. With a detailed description of each meridian.

Meridians-the system of transporting your energy

The process of extracting and identifying voice markers consists of several stages. First, it is necessary to collect audio data – for this, the user is asked to pronounce the vowel sound “A” for 10 seconds. Audio data is recorded – by phone or via a desktop PC or laptop headset. Then the data is transmitted to the server via the Internet and analyzed. By at the same time, the software performs sound preprocessing, which includes oversampling, noise reduction, framing, etc.

The next step is to determine the sound characteristics and highlight the voice markers. Next, the program, based on the parameters of voice markers, calculates the distribution of the entire vital energy of the body by 12 energy meridians.


Voizer's voice analysis.


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