The Triple Burner Meridian (TR)
The Triple Burner Meridian (TR) belongs to the system of Yang meridians. Its pair is the pericardium meridian, and its element is fire. It receives energy from the pericardium meridian and transmits it to the meridian of the gallbladder through 23 points. The maximum activity of the meridian of the three heaters is from 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm, the time of minimum activity is from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.
Functions of The Triple Burner Meridian
This meridian controls the evaporation in the body. It is a passing station for the most important metabolic products, body fluids and nutrient substances; it is closely related to the reception and digestion of food, the excretion of metabolic products, the distribution of Chi, and substances.
The upper burner controls the respiratory process, manages blood vessels, nourishes muscles, tendons and bones.
The middle burner converts, dissolves and digests nutrients.
The lower burner distinguishes clear fluids from unclear ones and discharges excess of water as well as the excrement from the body.
It begins above the nail of the ring finger of the hand, rises along the outside of the palm, forearm, shoulder, passes along the side of the neck, rises to the auricle, bends around it and ends at the outer edge of the eyebrow.
Symptoms and Diseases Related to the Imbalance of the Triple-Warmer Meridian
A sign of redundancy
Pain in the upper extremities, neck, and shoulder blades; hyperemic face; ringing in the ears; intolerance to heat; excessive urination; lack of appetite; irritability; insomnia.
A sign of insufficiency
Weakness and numbness in the upper extremities, pallor of the face, chills, shallow breathing, decreased urination, cold intolerance, physical and mental fatigue, sadness, lethargy, hearing loss.
Diseases of the triple burner meridian
Diseases associated with the meridians of the triple burner: suffocation, headache, dryness and cracked lips, pain in the outer side of the shoulder and elbow, fever, nausea, depression, conjunctivitis, deafness, laryngitis, pharyngitis, pain in the hand and forearm, paresis of the hand muscles, psychosis, corneal leukoma, joint pain hands with difficulty in movement, malaria, conjunctivitis, oliguria, diabetes mellitus, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, headache, pain in the back of the head, pain in the fingers, tremor of the hands, lumbar and neck lumbago, hypotension, asthenia, sleep disorders, neuroses, parkinsonism with muscle rigidity, fainting, pain in the heart, chest, shoulder blades, loss of voice, hypochondrial pain, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, motor disorders, epileptiform seizures, emotional instability.