The Bladder Meridian (V)
The meridian of the bladder belongs to the system of Yang meridians. Paired with kidney meridian, it is symmetrical, and its element is water. The direction of energy in the meridian is centrifugal. It receives energy from the meridian of the small intestine and transmits it to the meridian of the kidney and the foot. This energy channel is very long, runs along the spine in two lines and has 67 points. The maximum activity of the meridian of the bladder is from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, whereas the minimum activity is from 3:00 am to 5:00 am.
Functions of the Meridian of the Bladder
The Bladder Meridian is the longest of all 12 meridians. It regulates the circulation of fluids in the body, the collection and excretion of urine. The meridian of the bladder affects the function of the bladder, kidneys, genitals, bone structure, spine and ears.
The meridian begins from the point at the inner corners of the eyes, runs 2 lines all over the head from the forehead to the back of the head, reaches the neck, where each line branches into two and runs along the entire spine as 4 lines down to the pelvis. The branches are reconnected in the knee area and runs along the outside of the foot, ending in the area of the pinky toe.
Symptoms and Diseases Related to the Imbalance of the Bladder Meridian
A sign of redundancy
Frequent urination, spasmodic pain from the genitourinary organs, pain and tension of the back muscles. Muscle spasms and pain in the lower extremities. As well as headaches in the occipital and frontal areas during the act of defecation. Pain in the eyes and excessive lacrimation, bleeding from the nose.
A sign of insufficiency
Rarely, but profuse urination, swelling and swelling in the genital area, hypotension of the muscles of the occiput and spine. Feeling of weakness and heaviness in the lower extremities, dizziness, lack of mobility of the fifth toe, weakness of the back muscles, hemorrhoids.
Diseases of The Bladder Meridian
Diseases associated with the meridian of the bladder: diseases of the back and lower back, headaches and dizziness, disorders of the nervous system, diseases of the genitourinary sphere, hemorrhoids, eye pain, arthritis of the feet, cramps, diseases of the pelvic organs, menstrual disorders in women, heaviness in the head, chest pains, lower back pain, chronic gastritis, sexual weakness in men, anxiety, achilleas tendon pain, acute pain in the kidney area.