The Stomach Meridian (E)
The Stomach Meridian belongs to the system of Yang channels. Its pair is the meridian of the spleen and pancreas, and its element is earth. It receives energy from the meridian of the large intestines and transmits it to the meridian of the spleen and pancreas, as well as to the legs through 45 points. The time of maximum meridian activity is from 7:00 to 9:00 am, and the time of minimum activity is from 19:00 to 21:00.
Functions of The Stomach Meridian
Controlling digestion affects all digestive organs, especially the stomach. It affects the condition of the thyroid gland and mammary glands.
It starts from the wing of the nose, goes to the bridge of the nose, then to the middle of the lower edge of the orbit, descends, skirting the nose, to the corner of the mouth, passes along the lower jaw to its corner, then divides into two branches: one goes to the hairy part of the temporal region, the second — along the anterior surface of the neck to the sternoclavicular joint. Then it passes along the nipple line of the chest, the second lateral line of the abdomen and along the second (middle) line of the front surface of the leg, along the back of the foot and ends at the outer surface of the thumb.
Symptoms and Diseases Related to the Imbalance of the Stomach Meridian
Signs of redundancy
Pain of a spasmodic nature in the stomach, bloating, increased appetite, excitement, belching, high fever, constipation, cracks in the mucous membrane of the lips, increased acidity, rash, pain and cramps of the leg muscles along the meridian.
Diseases of the stomach meridian
Lack of strength and energy, weakness, swelling of the popliteal fossa, in the foot area, swelling in the joints of the lower extremities. Jaundice of the sclera, eye disease, vomiting with bile, sweating at night, drowsiness, heavy and deep sighs.