The Kidney Meridian (R)
The Kidney Meridian belongs to the system of Yin meridians. Its pair is the bladder meridian, and its element is water. It receives energy from the meridian of the bladder and transmits it to the meridian of the pericardium It has 27 points. The maximum activity is from 17:00 to 19:00 hours, whereas the minimum meridian activity is from 5:00 to 7:00 hours.
Functions of the Kidney Meridian
The state of this meridian has a significant impact on the duration and quality of a person’s life. It is called the “Channel of Eternal Bliss”. The meridian of the kidneys contains all the hereditary information about human health. The energy of the kidneys is the basis of growth, development and reproduction. The meridian of the kidneys affects the activity of internal organs and body systems. First, it affects the work of the kidneys themselves and the genitourinary system. It is associated with the condition of bone tissue, spine, immune system, hearing organs, hair and teeth. The kidneys are also responsible for water metabolism and for receiving qi.
The meridian begins at the foot on the Yun-Chuan point, then moves along the inner side of the foot, makes a turn around the condyle and rises along the inner surface of the shin and thigh, reaching the groin. On the surface of the body, the meridian points rise from the groin up the peritoneum, cross the chest and end at the collarbones.
Symptoms and Diseases Related to Imbalance of the Kidney Meridian
Signs of redundancy
Dark-colored urine; rare urination; nausea; dry mouth; fever and a feeling of heaviness in in the legs; the feet are warm to the touch; pain in the lower back, sacrum, and inner thigh; increased sexual potency; an unusual burst of energy.
A sign of insufficiency
Profuse sweating; frequent urination; a feeling of cold in the legs; the feet are cold to the touch; a feeling of weakness and numbness in the lower extremities.
Lethargy, and weakness in the whole body.
Feeling of indecision; fear; decreased sexual activity.
Diseases of The Kidney Meridian
Diseases associated with the meridian of the kidneys: sore throat, sexual weakness, lowering of the uterus, irregular menstrual cycle, diabetes, back and hip pain, stomatitis, cystitis, nephritis, ankle pain, liver and spleen diseases, urinary retention, limb swelling, gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, kidney disease, hemorrhoids, caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis.