Water structuring
Water and EHF: Principles of EHF Impact on Water
To study energy-informational influences and structured water, a laboratory was created in Moscow (now it is already a “federal center”). It received the name: laboratory of scientific substantiation of the Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for Traditional Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment of the Ministry of Health of Russia. It has been headed by S.V. Zenin, professor, doctor of biological sciences, candidate of chemical sciences, candidate of philosophical sciences.
The team was tasked with finding scientific methods for assessing energy-informational influences, in other words, finding ways to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the psychic abilities of people or devices (various torsion generators, etc.). The mechanism of interaction of the body with the environment was studied and it was shown and proved that this interaction occurs through the structuring of water: water, being a kind of biocomputer, receives and remembers external signals, rearranging its structure, then transmits this information to another biocomputer (for example, the human brain) which, in turn, sends control commands to the body; then. the very concept of “energy-informational impact” was formulated.
Researchers have experimentally revealed the presence of resonant “transparency windows” in water and aqueous media at certain exposure frequencies. In addition, it turned out that under the influence of EHF radiation, water is able to change the structure of its molecules. Back in 1979, the journal “Biophysics” published an article by a group of employees of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, headed by S.A. Ilyina entitled “On the possible role of water in the transmission of the impact of millimeter-wave radiation on biological objects.” The annotation to it says: “We observed the effect of millimeter-wave radiation (MWR) on hemoglobin and erythrocytes in human blood, which manifests itself in an increase (or weakening) of the strength of the gem-globin bond and a decrease in the osmotic stability of the erythrocyte membranes. The observed effect cannot be explained by simple heating of the irradiated suspension. The maximum effect on erythrocytes is obtained under conditions of a strong dilution of the suspension, when the energy absorbed directly by the erythrocytes is minimal. The data obtained allow us to assume that the impact of IMD on biological objects is determined not by the amount of energy directly absorbed by them in the microwave field, but by the interaction of the biological object with water in the radiation field ”.“The work was reported at the All-Union symposium on instruments, technology and propagation of millimeter waves in the atmosphere. Abstracts and reports, p. 316, IRE AN USSR, 1976 “.
An explanation of the mechanism of water activation by millimeter radiation was soon given by O.V. Betsky and received the name of the “memory of water” effect. “The essence of this effect is as follows. It is known that liquid water is structured and consists mainly of clusters, and water molecules are linked by hydrogen bonds. It turns out that the hydrogen atom, which is located between the two nearest oxygen atoms, can be in one of two states, either near one or near the other oxygen atom. One of the states is stable and the other is unstable. The energy of the transition of a hydrogen atom from a stable to an unstable state corresponds to an energy quantum in the EHF range. Thus, under the influence of EHF radiation, hydrogen atoms can pass into an unstable state, and after some time they can return to a stable state with the obligatory re-emission of energy quanta in the EHF range (“water memory”). Thus, water plays the role of a low-intensity molecular generator of electromagnetic waves in the EHF range … Water molecules can be in an unstable state for quite a long time, on the order of several weeks. ” Research by S.A. Ilyina and others proved that the water contained in the organisms of living beings is able to perceive radio waves, store the information contained in them and re-emit them after some time at the same frequencies, act as a receiver, information carrier and molecular generator of radio emission. We will quote the report of O.V. Betsky about the successes of his Saratov colleagues: “We are talking about the work carried out in the Saratov branch of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
They describe new effects in the interaction of low-intensity mm-waves with living organisms and any water-containing objects …the essence of the discovered effects can be briefly explained as follows. When low-intensity mm-waves act on water-containing objects (in particular, on the human body) at a power of the order of 1-10 μw, the value of the object’s own electromagnetic (thermal) radiation changes in a different frequency-shifted (relative to the frequency of “probing” mm-waves) range … this is most pronounced in the decimeter wavelength range and is confidently recorded using sensitive receivers (radiometers). The main feature of this phenomenon is that the change (increase) in thermal radiation depends on the frequency of the “probing” mm-radiation and on the curve “power of thermal radiation in the decimeter range (at a fixed frequency of reception) – radiation frequency in the mm-range” resonant-like areas. This was most clearly recorded near three resonant frequencies: 50.3; 51.8 and 65 ghz. Thus, experimentally discovered several more interesting biologically significant frequencies in addition to those already known and used in biomedical practice … in addition, biological resonance can be observed only at power values in the ehf range within 1-10 μw, and at lower and at high power values, resonance effects are not observed. “how do millimeter waves of “saratov” frequencies penetrate deep into water and water-containing objects? “when biological objects are irradiated with weak electromagnetic waves at these frequencies, molecular water oscillators capture the frequencies of the external signal and amplify by the type of synchronized generation or regenerative amplification. Waves at these frequencies propagate in aqueous media with very low losses … and, thus, can penetrate to a great depth of the irradiated object, involving deep structures in the process of interaction with a weak external signal ” the paradox is resolved between the fact of almost complete absorption of millimeter waves already in the skin of humans and animals and the just as precisely established fact of their effect on the internal organs.
Blood (83% water) is the main (but not the only) receiver of radiation coming from outside. It perceives it in the subcutaneous capillaries at a depth of 0.2 mm from the surface of the skin and carries it throughout the body within a minute, delivers it to its most distant corners and re-radiates there. “irradiated and non-irradiated samples of blood cells, platelets and erythrocytes having the same volume (1 ml) were placed separately in two conical cuvettes made of ehf-transparent material … the cuvettes were inserted into each other so that the levels in both cuvettes were the same. At the same time, the maximum surface of interaction between irradiated and non-irradiated samples of blood cells was ensured through a layer of ehf-transparent capillary with a thickness of 0.3 mm (the thickness of the cell wall of a smaller diameter). “the samples were irradiated in various modes. We are interested in this: “at frequencies of 42.2 (λ = 7.1 mm) and 53.3 ghz (λ = 5.6 mm) in the mode of intermittent signal generation (2 minutes of irradiation, 5 minutes – a pause) for 14 min., i.e. 2 full cycles … “results: electromagnetic irradiation at a frequency of 42.2 ghz with a falling power of 10 mw / cm2 caused a decrease in the aggregation indices of erythrocytes and an increase in the deformability of their membranes … when irradiated erythrocytes were incubated with non-irradiated ones, the latter also had a decrease in the ability to aggregate in comparison with the control data. Similar changes are observed when using emp at a frequency of 53.5 ghz. It was also shown that the incubation of non-irradiated platelets from patients with angina pectoris with their erythrocytes exposed to emr at frequencies of 42.2 and 53.5 ghz led to a decrease in the functional activity of platelets, which was accompanied by a decrease in their ability to aggregate in comparison with the control group – platelets that were not exposed to irradiation. This allows us to make a conclusion about the existence of ehf-induced intercellular interaction … “. Another conclusion from the results of the experiment: not only the water contained in the blood, but also the blood cells, platelets and erythrocytes, are able to perceive and re-emit radio waves, preserving their information content.